11 ways women talk

13 ways of Understanding how women talk

11 ways women talk: One of the main causes of conflicts in marriage and relationships is the lack of knowledge concerning the difference between men and women. Very few spouses realise that women and men are different on many levels than the biological aspects. Understanding these differences, for example, emotional and behavioural can improve relationships drastically. In fact, understanding our difference can help male and female complement one another within a relationship. So here are the 11 ways to understand how women talk.

1. Talks faster

She speaks more quickly than a man because that's her nature and her body makeup allows her to do so. As a man don't feel overpowered or undermined when she talking very fast. She only expressing herself in the nature God created her, the best option in cases is just to listen.

2. Dramatic

When we say Dramatic we don't mean causes Drama...She gives a dramatic account of the facts using varied voice tone, pauses and expressions, remembering how the female class teacher used to tell stories and changing voices of the character and explaining what each character is doing and how they are moving and what is happening at each stage of the story.

3. People Driven Stories

She prefers to speak about people, relationships and the feeling people experience. At times it may feel thought it gossiping but she only trying to relate.

4. Emotional

She tends to be dominated by the right side of the brain, that part that deals with relationships, feeling, the human side of life.

5. Discuss to fullest

She tends to stay on a topic of the conversation until it is exhausted.

6. Uses Plurals

She frequently uses plural terms (our son, our home, etc.) because according to her everything they own belongs to both. She frequently reveals her own experience, emotions and feeling to her husband.

7. Uses attention indicators

She uses plenty of attention indicators: nodding of the head, smiling, phrases of "mmm", "yes", "sure". She interprets attention indicators as a sign of interest.

8. Love Eye Contact

She loves to maintain constant eye contact. This has proved to be a tricky one for most men, women love it when you look in the eys as they communicate because of its signals connection.

9. Attentive Listener

She stops any activity to listen, remember how your partner will stop writing in class or cooking just to listen to your story and that's why she gets upset when she's talking and you are busy doing something.

10. Takes turn when talking

She waits for a pause in a story to ask a question and that's why you don't ask questions or interrupt when she's busy explaining her experience or whatever she's sharing with you. Just listen she will greatly appreciate

11. Connections

Women strive for connection during conversations, a woman often wants to connect with her partner on a level where both can understand and accept each other. 


Ps Eugene Fransch. (2009). Understanding our difference. Adventists Echo, p 8.9. more online at www.sidtiv.org
